Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Issue #2 of "VisuaLeigh" e-Zine now available!

I've finished my second issue of "VisuaLeigh" e-Zine and it's up and ready to wing its way to your e-mail box.

Issue #2 runs 30 pages and features these articles:

Composition "Bones": Shoelaces
On Seeing: View from the Couch
Light & Shadow: Car Show Shadows
Composition: Focal Points
Composition: Having an Anchor or Base
Composition: Weird But It Works
Composition: Centering/Not Centering
Bad Photo and Why It's Bad: Pumpkin Display
Lighting: Same Weed, Different Day
Photomontage: Why I Like This One ("Desert Windows")
On Seeing: What I Saw/What I Made ("Ms. Law")
Cropping Down to the Good Stuff: Orange Fender
Composition Thought Process: "Planetary Shift"
Composition: Shell Fossil
Bad Photo and Why It's Bad: Genoa Leaves
What It's Made Of: "Learning"
Composition "Bones": Balcony Chairs

Issue #2
30 pages/PDF format

Here's the link to my online store:

Hope you enjoy this issue! Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!

Carol Leigh